Excuse me because not update in long time.
International Deaf Day is on 21 September every year.
Pusat Majudiri 'Y' organize International Deaf Day at YMCA Kuala Lumpur on 22 September 2012.
YMCA Kuala Lumpur is located near with KL Sentral.
If you want to be a volunteer for IDD, please contact Morley Ng via morleyng@ymcakl.com.
Create awareness on Deaf community and culture.
There are various activities and programmes such as:-
1. Registrations booth by - Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM).
- Hearing Aids Company.
2. Take a Journey into the Deaf World.
3. Sales by Deaf Entrepreneur.
4. Children Corner : - Fun games and Face painting
- Sand Art, Balloon Sculpturing and more etc.
Let's visit and take part in celebrating IDD together.
Let's support Deaf community