Saturday, October 31, 2009

Final Exam Hot!!!!

Recently what UKM students buzy with?

Yeah!!! There are exam peak hours~
26 Oct until 13 Nov 09 are final exam weeks for ukm students. These few weeks all of us have to rush the deadline to pass up all the assignments and swotting for final exams.
Here are some last minute exam revision tips:

  • Revise actively.
  • Do past papers
  • Question-spotting.
  • Ask someone for help.
  • Don’t be tired.
  • Eat protein before long exams – not carbohydrates.
  • Get the important facts into short-term memory.(identify main theme, key points, prioritize the material, catch main concept, come up with mnemonics, quality times/testing questions)
  • Exercise - get the blood pumping round.

Exam Techniques, Tips and Tricks

Last Minute Exam Help Tips to help you survive at university!

Top 10 last-minute exam revision tips

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Regional Conference on Inclusion and Special Education Needs

Hello, we are BACK!!!

Date: 27th & 28th October 2009
Venue: Equatorial Hotel, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.
Time: 8a.m - 6p.m

The effort to improve the educational quality and equity for all requires the active participation of all stakeholders in implementing inclusive education in our schools. This is in line with the proposal which was agreed in the 48th UNESCO International Conference on Education (Geneva, 25-28 November 2008). Inclusive education is a process of strengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners, including the following:

Learners with disabilities (sensory, cognitive, physical and motor)
Learners who are gifted and talented
Learners with autism spectrum disorders
Learners who have problems in reading, writing and mathematics
Learners with emotional and behavioral problems
Learners with multiple disabilities
Learners who lived in remote rural areas
Learners who are at risk of school failure

The Regional Conference on Inclusion and Special Educational Needs 2009 is a platform for an in-depth and open discussion on the policies and strategies that can successfully overcome exclusion, both from education and within education, thus contributing to build more inclusive, just and equitable societies.

follow this link for more information:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Deaflympics - Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

A dance which was performed by a group of dancers who are deaf at Deaflympics

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pusat Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Khas (3PK)

3PK ialah one stop center bagi pelajar khas.

Perkhidmatannya adalah seperti berikut:

  • Sebagai pusat rebabilitasi pelbagai disiplin
  • Sebagai pusat penyebaran maklumat, bimbingan dan khidmat nasihat dalam pendidikan khas. Sebagai rujukan kepada ibu bapa dan masyarakat.
  • Intervensi awal bagi kanak-kanak khas seawal umur 4 tahun
Semua perkhidmatan adalah percuma. Ia beroperasi di Putrajaya, (SKPK) Alor Setar, SKPK Ipoh, SKPK Selangor, SKPK Melaka, SKPK Kuala Terengganu dan SKPK Kelantan.

(Sumber dari:

~ Sila rujuk:

Elaun Guru Pendidikan Khas Naik

PUTRAJAYA 2 Okt. - Seramai 5,600 guru pendidikan khas di seluruh negara akan menikmati kenaikan kadar elaun bulanan dari RM100 kepada RM250 sebulan mulai tahun depan.

Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, lebih RM10 juta setahun diperuntukkan bagi peningkatan kadar elaun sebagaimana yang diumumkan dalam pembentangan Bajet 2008 bulan lalu.

‘‘Langkah tersebut adalah gambaran kepada komitmen dan pengiktirafan kerajaan terhadap sumbangan guru pendidikan khas di negara ini........................

~ Sila layari untuk maklumat lanjut ~

Selamat membaca *_^

Photography Session 2009

4th Year Future-to-be Special Educators!!

Event: Final Year Undergraduates of the Special Education Programme's Photography Session
Date & Day: 6th October 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: 11am
Venue: Faculty of Education (FPEND)

We, the 4th year who are taking Special Education had a last photography session since half of us are finishing their term of studying end of this semester...=) The rest of us will be continue the journey of learning till next May which is year 2010!

* For those who are ending their term, wishing you all the best in your undertakings!!*

p/s: Those who ordered the photos, please do proceed your payment to Nabihaht. Thanks! =)

Candid picture ~ the other side of the coin ~

Credits to Maznie & Siti for the photos taken ~

Kursus Pengkhususan Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Khas

Subjek Pendidikan Khas (Wajib):

  1. Perkembangan dan Ciri-ciri Kanak-kanak Khas
  2. Pengenalan kepada Masalah Bahasa dan Komunikasi
  3. Pengenalan kepada Pendidikan Khas
  4. Pengurusan Tingkah Laku
  5. Falsafah dan Isu dalam Pendidikan Khas
  6. Program Pemulihan dalam Komuniti
  7. Penaksiran, Kurikulum dan Strategi Pengajaran dalam Pendidikan Khas
  8. Kemahiran antara Perseorangan, Kaunseling dan Perundingan
  9. Pemerhatian Klinikal antara Disiplin
  10. Pendidikan Jasmani Suaian
  11. Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Pendidikan Khas
  12. Tekanan, Sokongan dan Pengajaran
  13. Penaksiran dan Latihan Vokasional

Subjek Pengkhususan (Diwajibkan mengikut pengkhususan masing-masing):
  1. Perkembangan dan Ciri Satu Kategori Keperluan Khas
  2. Penaksiran dan Strategi Pengajaran Satu Kategori Keperluan Khas
  3. Kurikulum Khas, Pembinaan Modul dan Bahan Pengajaran Satu Kategori Keperluan Khas

Pengkhususan (Pilihan):
  1. Masalah Pendengaran
  2. Masalah Penglihatan
  3. Masalah Pembelajaran
  4. Pemulihan

Pilihan (Minor):
  1. Komputer (Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat ~ FTSM)
  2. Sukan dan Rekreasi (Fakulti Pendidikan ~ FPEND)
  3. Sejarah (Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan ~ FSSK)
  4. Bahasa Melayu (Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan ~ FSSK)
  5. Fizik / Biologi / Matematik (Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi ~ FST)
  6. dll.

Kursus Elektif (PB):
  1. Bahasa Isyarat
  2. Pengajaran Penulisan Braille
  3. Rekreasi Dalam Komuniti
  4. Kreativiti dan Kemahiran Kraftangan

~ Semoga berjaya ~

Permata Pintar Programme

Permata Pintar Programme is a school holiday camp which has been developed specifically for highly intellectual and gifted children aged 9 to15.


· Designed to cater to needs of smart and gifted children in the country

· Nurtured holistically in order to ensure the optimum and well-balanced growth.

Candidates selection proses:

1. Three preliminary tests which are known as Ujian Permata Pintar UKM1, UKM2 and UKM3 have been developed by the Faculty of Education.

2. They can take the Ujian Permata Pintar UKM1 preliminary test online at from now.

3. Shortlisted candidates will take the UKM2 and UKM3 tests at designated centres that will be announced later.

Camp Activities:

· Exposed to topics that will help stimulate their minds under three subjects; Science, Mathematics and Creative Writing.

· Various recreational, sports and cultural activities.

*Related Articles in:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Perkembangan Pendidikan Khas di Malaysia

click here for English Version

Pendidikan masalah penglihatan

1926 - Pembukaan Sekolah Rendah (SRPK) St. Nicholas oleh Gereja Anglican di Melaka
1931 - SRPK St. Nicholas berpindah ke Pulau Pinang
1948 - Pembukaan SRPK Princess Elizabeth dengan kemudahan asrama oleh Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat di Johor Bharu
1962 - Rancangan percantuman bagi pendidikan kanak-kanak cacat penglihatan di sekolah rendah dan menengah biasa yang dipilih
- Permulaan Latihan Perguruan Khas dalam bidang cacat penglihatan di Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, Cheras.
1977 - Pembukaan Sekolah Menengah Berasrama Cacat Penglihatan, Setapak
1978 - Pengambilalihan SRPK Princess Elizabeth oleh Kementerian Pendidikan sebagai sekolah bertaraf penuh

Pendidikan Masalah Pendengaran

1954 - Pembukaan kelas pendidikan khas di Jalan Northam, Pulau Pinang
1954 - Pembukaan Sekolah Kanak-kanak Pekak Persekutuan (Rendah dan Menengah), Tanjong Bungah, Pulau Pinang
1963 - Pembukaan kelas-kelas Pendidikan Khas Rancangan Percantuman Cacat Pendengaran oleh Kementerian Pendidikan di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah biasa yang dipilih
1963 - Permulaan Latihan Perguruan Pendidikan Khas Cacat Pendengaran di Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, Cheras
1978 - Pengenalan kaedah Komunikasi Seluruh oleh Kementerian Pelajaran
1987 - Pembukaan Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional Shah Alam

Pendidikan Masalah Pembelajaran

1988 - Kementerian Pendidikan memulakan kelas perintis untuk murid-murid peringkat rendah bermasalah pembelajaran

Pengenalan kepada Pendidikan Khas

click here for English Version

Sumber diilustrasi dari:

Pendidikan khas adalah pengajaran yang direka bentuk bagi memenuhi keperluan pendidikan murid dengan keperluan khas. Pendidikan ini dirancang secara tersendiri, dilaksanakan secara teratur serta dinilai keberkesanannya secara teliti bagi membantu murid dengan keperluan khas mencapai tahap berdikari tinggi dan kejayaan hidup yang memuaskan.

Pada masa ini, pendidikan khas di Malaysia adalah di bawah tanggungjawab 5 kementerian iaitu Kementerian Kesihatan, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Dasar mengenai pendidikan khas di Malaysia mula dinyatakan dalam Akta Pembelajaran 1961 yang kemudiannya disemak dan digantikan dengan Akta Pendidikan 1996. Bagi tujuan pelaksanaan pula, Kementerian Pendidikan (sekarang Kementerian Pelajaran) mengadakan Peraturan-peraturan (Pendidikan Khas) 1997.

Berdasarkan Akta Pendidikan 1996 - Peraturan-peraturan Pendidikan Khas (1997), 'murid-murid dengan keperluan khas' bermakna murid-murid yang mempunyai:
a. kecacatan penglihatan atau
b.kecacatan pendengaran atau
c. masalah pembelajaran

(Sumber dari: Jamila K.A. Mohamed. 2005. Pendidikan Khas untuk Kanak-kanak Istimewa. PTS Professional.)


Hello everyone! How is life?? Opps, I know you will say full of assignments, activities and for those in their final year ~ Thesis ~ Yea!

But we can't doubt that life brings us joy and laughter throughout the whole term we are here in UKM..=) Of course we can't miss out credits to our beloved lecturers and tutors for their hardwork..=) and so on.... Want to know more????? ~~~~~~~ That is the purpose we are here!!=)

There will be more posts about the activities and also informations regarding Special Education / Person With Disabilities coming up soon. Do follow us for more interesting stories!!!
*p/s: the post will be conducted in both languages i.e. Bahasa Malaysia as well as English!*

Have a nice day ahead ~ ^_^

The Development of Special Education in Malaysia

Education for the Visually Impaired

1926 - The officiation of St.Nicholas Primary School (SRPK) by the Malacca Anglican Church
1931 - SRPK St. Nicholas shifted to Penang
1948 - The officiation of SRPK Princess Elizabeth with the accommodation facilities prepared by the Johore Social Welfare Department
1962 - The merger plan for visually impaired students who are studying in typical primary and secondary school being selected
- Starting of the Special Teaching Profession Training (Visually impaired) at Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, Cheras
1977 - The officiation of Sekolah Menengah Berasrama Cacat Penglihatan, Setapak
1978 - Taking over of SRPK Princess Elizabeth by the Ministry of Education as a fully standardized school.

Education of the Hearing Impaired

1954 - The officiation of special education class at Jalan Northam, Pulau Pinang
1954 - The officiation of Sekolah Kanak-kanak Pekak Persekutuan (Primary and Secondary), Tanjong Bungah, Pulau Pinang
1963 - The officiation of Merged Special Education classes for the Hearing Impaired by the Ministry of Education at those chosen primary and secondary schools
1963 - Starting of the Special Teaching Profession Training (Hearing Impaired) at Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, Cheras
1978 - Introduction of Total Communication by the Ministry of Education
1987 - The officiation of Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional Shah Alam

Education of the Learning Disabled

1988 -Ministry of Education conducted pilot classes for the primary learning disabled students

Introduction of Special Education

Sources illustrated from:

Special education is a lesson which specially created so to fulfill the needs of those students with special needs. This education is planned individually, carried out systematically and carefully evaluated so to help the students to achieve a higher level of independence and satisfaction in their live.

Special education in Malaysia is now under the responsibility of five Ministries which are the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Woman, Family and Community Development, Ministry of education, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Human Resources.

Policy regarding special education in Malaysia was initially stated in Akta Pembelajaran 1961 which later on being revised and replaced by the Akta Pendidikan 1996. For implementation wise, the Ministry of Education holds the (Special Education) Rules 1997.

Based on the Akta Pendidikan 1996 - The Special Education Rules (1997), 'students with special needs' refer to students who are:

a) visually impaired, or

b) hearing impaired, or

c) learning disabilities